Keeping Busy in District 6
During the campaign process voters want to hear from candidates in various ways.
Jeanette Wylie has participated in the following public venues:
Vacaville People's Forum zoom question session. Check it out at: https://fb.watch/fQT392T56T/
League of Women Voters Forum cosponsored by the League of Women Voters Solano County; Solano Valley Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.; Tri-City NAACP and the Solano Youth Coalition.
Vacaville Chamber of Commerce
Vacaville Magazine questions published in September/October issue
Vacavillians for Fiscal Health questions
BWOPA of Napa/Solano County (Black Women Organized for Political Action) in partnership with Vallejo Alumnae and Solano Valley Alumnae Chapters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
Voter's Edge California Voter's Guide
Town Hall
Jeanette Wylie ran for City Council in 2020 to be the Voice for South Vacaville so that input from residents south of Alamo and east of Peabody would be heard. In November 2021, residents attended a District 6 Town Hall to “Be Informed and Share YOUR Voice”. There were informative presentations from the Fire Department related to Code Compliance; from the Finance Department about the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA); and from the City Clerk’s Office about Redistricting based on the 2020 Census data. Wylie then sought ideas from residents about what they would like to see in District 6. Many comments centered on the recent Neighborhood Cleanup across town and residents asked for similar types of help. Based on resident input, Wylie begin planning a way to make that happen.
Spring Spruce Up Day
Wylie, along with Rica Guidry, Program Manger in the City Manager’s Office, Recology, and many dedicated volunteers carried out a successful Spring Spruce Up Day in April 2022. Six huge debris bins were located at spots across District 6 and neighbors were able to clear out items from their garage, house, or yard which were no longer needed. Some items were still in good shape and found new homes rather than ending up at the landfill. Almost 22.4 TONS of unwanted items were cleared out of District 6!
Park Walks
Knowing your neighbors and communicating with others is a key component of a safe and healthy neighborhood. Wylie has participated in a neighborhood walk around the park to talk with residents and answer questions about landscaping, streets, current construction, and park amenities. Another meeting later in the park included some of our Police officers who answered questions and listened to concerns about traffic issues, speeding, and the need for crosswalks. We were also pleased to have a Parks and Rec Commissioner and a Planning Commissioner participate and hear from our residents. District 6 also has several active Neighborhood Associations and Wylie enjoyed visiting with residents during National Night Out.